Welcome to my academic portfolio! I am Eric, a mixologist, a chef, and a Ph.D. student at HKUST, under the guidance of Prof. Pengyu Zhu.
🎓 Research Interests
My research interest is deeply rooted in the intersection of urban policies, big data, and behavioral economics, with a particular focus on electric vehicle (EV) policies and travel behavior. In addition, I am also interested in the electric vehicle overcapacity issue. For the past two years, my primary research has been on pandemic-induced behavioral changes and their potential stickness in a high density urban context. I am now researching how the development of China’s electric vehicle industry will affect the daily travel behavior of rural and suburban residents in the future. I hope to have the opportunity to interact with scholars who share the same research interests!
Quote: “風檐展書讀,古道照顏色(Under the eaves I open the book and read; the ancient Way lights up my face)” from 《正氣歌》(The Song of the Spirit of Righteousness),文天祥 (Wen Tian-xiang, Song Dynasty)
🔥 News
- 2024.09: My Office has been relocated to Office C (Room 4336, lift 13-15, HKUST). Welcome~
- 2024.09: 🎉🎉 My Supervisor, Prof. Pengyu Zhu, ranks 67848 in TopResearchersList, Top 1% Listed Researchers.
- 2024.07: 🎉🎉 My Supervisor, Prof. Pengyu Zhu, has been recently awarded 5.2 million HKD and conferred the esteemed title of ‘RGC Research Fellow‘, a prestigious recognition from the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) under their Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) in support of only the most outstanding scholars in Hong Kong.
📖 Educations
- 2023.09 - now, Ph.D. in Public Policy, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.
- 2021.09 - 2023.07, Master in Public Policy, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong.
- 2017.09 - 2021.05, B.B.A. in Applied Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.
🎖 Grants and Awards
- 2023.09, Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) - HK$1,500,000
- 2023.09, HKUST RedBird PhD Award, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - HK$40,000
- 2021.09-2023.07, Academic Excellence Scholarship (GPA 4.094/4.300), The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology - HK$40,000
- 2017.09-2021.05, Bowen Scholarship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen - RMB120,000
📝 Publications
[Pandemic-Induced Behavioral Changes and Persistence in High-Density Urban Context: A Panel Study From Hong Kong]
Pengyu Zhu, Zhizhao Li, Yuqing Guo, Jeffrey Chow, Cities (Under Review)
- Conduct a HKPSSD- based survey on the behavioral changes in Post-Pandemic Hong Kong. Lead in the data collection and data cleansing process. Then, use data collected via the HKPSSD-based survey and structural equation modeling (SEM) to identify the causal relationships between COVID-19 risks.
- To investigate the direct and indirect effects of COVID-19 on a range of behavioral changes and to understand the role of four major intervening variables, namely access to technology, economic circumstances, stress, and attitudes and values.
- Policy designs for adaptive governance of disruptive technologies: The case of facial recognition technology (FRT) in China, Zhizhao Li, Yuqing Guo, Masaru Yarime, Xun Wu, Policy Design and Practice
- [Analyzing Determinants of Traffic Violations in a Multi-Cultural Setting: Case of Abu Dhabi], Praveen Maghelal, Zhizhao Li, Pengyu Zhu, Journal of Urban Management, Under Revision
- [Unified, Segmented, and Supranational: Contrasting Approaches to Governing Facial Recognition Technology ], Weiye Zang, Yuqing Guo, Zhizhao Li, Masaru Yarime, Xun Wu, Regulation & Governance, Under Review
- [Exploring the Persistence of Pandemic-Induced Travel Behaviour Changes in Hong Kong: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach], Pengyu Zhu, Yuqing Guo, Zhizhao Li, Jeffrey Chow, Under Review